Amalgam Database
Atomic Black Knight

Atomic Black Knight

Atomic Black Knight (Dane Grayle) is the Amalgam of Marvel Comics' Black Knight and DC Comics' Atomic Knight.


Dane Grayle learned his bloodline had been cursed by the Ebony Blade of the Black Knight when he began having premonitions of turning evil and hurting people with the Ebony Blade's dark powers. A brilliant scientist, Dane invented a powerful helmet that allowed him to protect his mind from the Blade's influence. Deciding to atone for the evils committed by his ancestors and the Ebony Blade, Dane created a suit of armor and weapons and became the heroic Atomic Black Knight.


The Atomic Black Knight has the power of limited precognition due to the magic of the Ebony Blade. His armor boosts his strength and he wields a laser sword and an energy reflecting shield.
