Amalgam Database
Amalgam Database

I've always loved the concept of Captain America jr. from Unlimited Access #4. He turned from a scrawny (F-4) kid to a buff teen with a shield. By saying the magic words "Uncle Sam"! he turned into a Teen Super Soldier. If you go by the Shazam mythos, each letter stands for a god. For Uncle Sam it supposed to be Presidents of the United States. Problem is they only gave us 3 of said presidents in his one and only appearance. HUGE PROBLEM: there are no Presidents with an "S" in there last name!!! This has bothered me for years and I finally created a list of Presidents (with S as a VP) and attributes for his activation word:

U=Ulysses S. Grant- Stalwart Strength---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N=Nixon, Richard- Trickery (given in UA4)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- C=Coolidge, Calvin- Listening skills (could be used as "super hearing" at some point...)----------------------------- L=Lincoln, Abe-Wisdom (given in UA4) ---------------------------------------------------------------                          E=Eisenhower, Dwight- Strategy (given in UA4)

S=Sherman, James- Principles (a V.P. but the ONLY man to have an "S" last name!)------------------------------- A=Adams, John Quincy- Diplomacy (negotiating skills/can talk his way out of a fight) ----------------------------------        M= Madison, James- "constitution" (Madison pushed to get the Bill of rights done right in the constitution. So I thought it'd be cute to use it as Constitution/stamina)

Tel me what you think about the above. Should I add/subtract/change any of this?