Amalgam Database


Windicator (Wendy McNeil-Hudson) is the Amalgam of Marvel Comics' Vindicator and DC Comics' Windfall.


Wendy Hudson was a government agent in Canada who was offered the chance to be a superhero. She was given a suit that could channel atmospheric energy and became the Windicator. Her husband, Brion, also became a hero and joined her in battle as the Geo-Guard.


Windicator wears a hi-tech suit that enables her to absorb and channel energy from the atmosphere of the Earth itself. The suit allows her to fire blasts of hurricane force compressed air, summon windstorms, or create tornadoes. She can use her suit to lower the air temperature around her to fire blasts of sub-zero wind. She can also use the suit to absorb the electrostatic energy in the air around her and fire bolts of electricity. The suit also allows her to fly and gives her a measure of superhuman strength.
